Essential Oil & Their Benefits Welcome To my Blog. Here I am going to discuss about a number of essential oils and their benefits. Essential oils are being used for thousand of years in different cultures for various Health and Medical purposes.They contain antioxidant properties. They are Antidepressant ,stimulating, Detoxifying,Calming. They are used for many therapy and have number of Health concerns. Lemon Oil Lemon oil is probably the most commonly used oil used in everyday life. Its available in every grocery store with every products such as soap , freshener etc. It has detoxifying , anti-astringent, calming property.It is anti bacterial and antiseptic. Lemon oil can be mixed with many other oils such as lavender oil, rose oil , sandalwood oil etc and give a unique pleasant aroma. It has a component called D-limonene which helps to reduce Stress, makes you feel calm and fresh. It helps to change someone's mood. Lemon oil is specially used for A
Herbal Tea and Its importance !! Plants have been the primary source of medication since the prehistoric times. Many of the medicines we get in the pharmacy today are derived from organic compounds present in plants.The statistics shows that about eighty percent of the population in countries like ASIA and AFRICA use Herbal Products derived from plants. We still don't know whether Herbal Medicines can cure cancer for sure. Herbal medicines and Drinking products have a great impact on today's society. I am going to discuss about Herbal Tea which is very common in many countries .. Herbal Tea Herbal Tea is made from several herbs , spices and plants in hot water. Herbal tea doesn't contain caffeine. It is not like our regular tea which is produced from tea plants. There are several kinds of herbal Tea Products available online e.g. Citrus Spice Herbal Tea Chamomile Herbal Tea Ginger Tea Hibiscus Tea Peppermint Tea Enchinace