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What is Anxiety And How to Handle it !!

What is Anxiety ? 

Anxiety is a psychological state of mind that can happen from many different reasons. Generally everyone has  some level of anxiety. It can be a problem when it exceeds a certain level. Its a mental health problem. Anxiety can be awe full if someone can't control it.

It can happen from Stress at workplace  or some sort of  "Loss" e.g Someone's Death. Anxiety with a higher level of intensity can lead to Panic Attack.

My First Experience

I remember when i had my first panic attack at night when i was sleeping. i woke up and couldn't sleep again. Next day when i was driving to my office i suddenly got scared from an intense fear that was controlling my mind and body. i had to pullover to a nearest gas station. I didn't know at that time it was "Panic Attack". My assumption was i am having some serious health problem e.g. Cancer ,Heart attack. I called a tow-truck to take my car back to my home, called my manager at office and asked for a leave.I couldn't tell her the reason as i didn't know exactly what has happened.

Next i arranged an Uber to home. I was scared to death. My heart rate went higher than ever before. i was alone standing on the freeway , helpless.

My whole body was not able to cope-up with the current situation. Once i reached home somehow , i immediately went to my room and slept. i was so scared and helpless and at that point of life i was thinking of my family ,my parents. i was thinking if i can go back 10 years and changed my life.
What if i die ?

I woke up in the evening. i was little stable than before. i was hungry ,thought of going out and get some food as i didn't
have any from the morning after all these. i went out and while crossing the road i saw one car coming in speed towards me. My head started spinning and again some external monster trying to control my mind and body with intense fear. i immediately came back. 

This time i decided i can't live with it any more. i need to deal with this.It sucks... I called 911. i asked for emergency. The Paramedics came pretty fast. They took me to the nearest Hospital. 

The Doctor asked "what happened ? " . I told him my symptoms.He immediately started some tests e.g blood test for hemoglobin ,lung test , pressure check , ECG ( Electro Cardiogram to check if there was a heart failure).Thinking about the outcome of the results of these tests i started scared the hell out of me.

After some time (25-30 mins). One Lady came out and said she was a psychologist. I asked her what happened to all these tests.She smiled at me and said 
"Everything is Normal.  Did you have any  energy drink in the morning ? "
She also asked me couple of other questions e.g 
"Where do you work ? Is there lot of stress ? Did something happened to you which was very painful ?"

I lost my parents at the age of 28. I was working at one of the most reputed IT company at that time and yes i had an energy drink last night before sleep. 

She smiled and said "Are you feeling normal Now ?"
I was probably talking to her for  five miniutes and yes i started feeling much better.

I asked her "what the hell has happened if everything is normal!". I came to know this monster is called "Panic Attack" which originates from lot of stress and anxiety. Its not a physical health problem but a mental health problem.

Anxiety is inherent to every human being in the world. It appears on how you react to real world problems. Some people can handle stress easily. For the same level of stress it can create panic to others.

Nicotine ,Alcohol , caffeine will certainly increase anxiety. So stop immediately.

If you are suffering from panic attack or anxiety please consult a psychologist for therapy. There is something called CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.You can also do Yoga or Meditation. Stop Thinking Negative in life. Thinking negative for a long period of time can cause stroke.

Why do People smoke/drink ?

Did you ever ask yourself why do you smoke / drink ? After thinking about my situation for some days i came into the conclusion that smoking or drinking alcohol works as a mental support to people who are basically trying to get rid of some stress. If you have some crucial work to do which you are afraid of finishing or you are responsible for  or you may want to get rid of some stressful situation,  you get inclined to think " Lets have a cigarette/ Lets go to bar". 
In this situation we are trying to escape from reality.Rather than running away and making friendship with cigarette/alchohol you can just meditate or do some yoga.Bring your life to some regularity. Eat properly. If you really can't take the stress just leave it.On the other hand smoking or drinking will intensify/ multiply your anxiety or stress level.Cigarette contains nicotine that directly goes into your blood system and over the time can create blood clots resulting in stroke, heart attack.For longer period of time it may create cancer.


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